Our basic units of study include:  Reading (Wonders by McGraw Hill), Math (I-Ready), Social Studies, Science, and Language Arts. Our educational program, while focusing on the individual child, emphasizes the critical relationship among these areas of study. We’ve set clearly defined student outcomes and expectations for Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) by using Imagine Literacy. Imagine Literacy is a computer-based reading intervention tool to increase student’s fluency and comprehension in ELA. Students also participate in physical education, music, y class (computers), and art on a weekly basis.

Our students are assessed using the following measures:

Grades K-5th Grade
Fall: September
Winter: December
Spring: May

ISA Testing (Illinois Science Assessment)
Spring: March

Make- up Tests- March – April

Illinois Assessment of Readiness (IAR)
Grades 3rd-5th
Spring: TBA

English Language Learners in Kindergarten – 5th Grade
Winter: January – March

KIDS ASSESSMENT:(Kindergarten Individual Development Survey)
Fall: 40th Day of School – October
Winter: 105th Day of School – February
Spring: 170th Day of School – May